Tuesday, July 22, 2008


The Population and economic development are closely related,as the latter depends on the former .Abnormal size and increase in population lead to the problem of food scarcity and equitable supply of food to the millions.It reduces the growth of the national income and the per capita income retarding the economic growth of the nation.Rising population leads to various types of Unemployment problems and the burden of unproductive consumers has to be borne in the economy.The problem of increasing births demands higher expenditures by the Government for medical care,education, housing,clothing,etc.All these factors urge the necessity of reducing the birth rate in India.A large population by itself may not be a big issue for the country to tackle,provided the number is maintained at the same level for a fairly large period of time.But the problem is worsened by the rate at which the population increases every year an alarming increase of 10 million every year.In India,a baby is born every 1.5 seconds,causing a baby boom and demanding an extra supply of 12.80 million quintals of food every year,25 lakhs of houses,200 million metres of cloth 1.2 lakh schools and 3 lakhs of teachers.Hence the population of India represents the following the problems :

1.The population in our country is very large;
2.The rate of increase of population is very high;
3.Even the existing population could not maintain a decent minimum standard of living.
4.Efforts of planning and developments are completely nullified by the increasing population.
5.To control the increasing number and cater to the needs of the existing people.

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